Logo design take 2…

I have been playing around in photoshop with different designs for my logo. I have decided to keep the font, size and colour of the title consistent, purely based on the fact that i’m really happy with the simplicity of it. However, that doesn’t go on to mean that I want the overall design to be simple too, as long as the title is clear, easy to read and understand, then young children will be able to interact with it easily.

I decided I wanted to incorporate something ‘spacey’, due to the spark that will go off in a child’s mind, when they realise the subject area. Space is unknown to the majority of us and even though research suggests many thing, on the grand scale of things, we don’t know very much. Therefore, I want young children to get excited about the prospect of learning something that is ‘different’ and sometimes without logic.


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The first design I went with was just a little crowded, there was too much going on and I couldn’t find a simple font colour that fit with the background image. I like that it is obviously unrealistic however, due to encouraging children to create their own solar system and name planets as they wish to.


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This second design was inspired by watching way too many documentaries. It lacks originality and doesn’t exaggerate space, just earth. I really love this image though.


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This is my third design and I really like it. It isn’t my final design however. In my second year of university, I underwent a photography project, that I titled ‘make a wish’ and it was all different elements of why we make wishes and the myths surrounding them. One myth, was the shooting star. I created an image that was obvious to the theme, but not too obvious, with an intergalactic background. This photography project, sparked my inspiration for this potential design.

I will continue to develop my ideas and work on my designs as my research progresses.

Logo design take 2…

new perspective on space

12696178_10154658145733298_1784343609_nAfter carrying out more research on game building software, I discovered that using this route would potentially result in me learning a completely new skill set and ultimately not having the confidence that it would work out. I will continue to research this route, however I decided to jot down some ideas as to where this project could potentially turn. After this mind-mapping session, I was enlightened by several possibilities and although I am yet to narrow them down, I have more of a focused idea.

My initial space inventors game, would encourage young children to use their creativity, whilst being immersed in technology (basically using it safely). Now, I have come up with an idea that uses technology only as an aid, however is not fully immersive. I want to create an almost ‘instruction manual’ for building your own solar system. This will allow my target audience (of which I will need to re-research) to interact with technology, however use their own Artistic, Engineering and Scientific skills and knowledge. I was certain on incorporating the STEAM syllabus and I have managed to maintain this approach.

I did some research into the Primary School Syllabus for Y5 (KS2) and discovered that my idea can reach into several elements.

Science: (Earth and Space)

Sc5/4.1a    describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system

Sc5/4.1b    describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth

Sc5/4.1c    describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies

Sc5/4.1d    use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night, and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.


Ar2/1.1    to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas

Ar2/1.2    to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials

Ar2/1.3    about great artists, architects and designers in history.


Ma3/3.2a    draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them

Ma3/3.1a    measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)


Co2/1.6    select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

Co2/1.7    use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact

Design & Technology:

DT2/1.4a    apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures

DT2/1.4b    understand and use mechanical systems in their products

DT2/1.4c    understand and use electrical systems in their productsDT2/1.4d    apply their understanding of computing to programme, monitor and control their products.

This research has really allowed my idea to take off and i’m excited to pursue something I know I will enjoy creating, as well as enjoy encouraging young children to interact with technology safely. I have a real passion for the importance of using ones imagination and creativity and believe our ability to progress through education, relies hugely on the right side of the brain!

new perspective on space

The problem with modern technology…

Modern technology has the control to be very passive and therefore doesn’t always provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial emotional, social, cognitive and/or physical experiences they require when they are young. The developing child requires that right combination of these experiences as the right times during development in order to develop optimally. This cannot happen if a child is sitting for hours passively using and interacting with modern technology, like television for example.

Sitting young children in front of television for hours also prevents that child from having hours of other developmental experiences. Children need real-time social interactions; technology such as television can prevent that from happening. However, one can argue that it isn’t just technology that has this effect on children and before jumping to any particular conclusion, one must define what ‘technology’ really is.

“The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes” – Oxford Dictionaries

So, with this definition in place, can you argue that children continuously reading books is also denying them of a thorough development? Through this definition, I believe technology doesn’t only incorporate machinery and having access to reading materials, on a user-interface or not, is in fact also, interacting with technology.

Technology doesn’t have a particularly good reputation when involved in the class room of young children, however there are many positive qualities to modern technology. The technologies that benefit young children the greatest are those that are interactive and allow the child to develop their curiosity, problem solving and independent thinking skills.  – Kimberly Moore Kneas, Ph.D.

The problem with modern technology…

First Logo Design

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I am not completely settled on this name for my project this semester, however I decided to have a play with some potential design ideas. I really like how simple this is and how it reflects the aim of the game, quite obviously. I love the font as it is easy to read and can start creating a branding element for my project, if I continue to use this specific style. The use of the ‘O’ in ‘Inventors’ allowed me to focus on a planet style theme, which is maybe a little cliche, however it works with the target audience I have researched thus far. I will continue drawing up different logo designs for this project, to show I have explored my options and worked with different tools/software. This was created in Indesign. Next stop, photoshop.

First Logo Design

Alien Invasion

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I have drawn up a couple of avatar examples for my potential game. I decided to try and reflect different age groups, through the drawings, so from right to left, you see the age progression and how this impacts creativity. My initial idea was to use these as options for the players, instead of being given one set character. This will also encourage users to begin using their imagination from the beginning, through making the choice of what colour/design alien they would like to represent.

Originally, I wanted to incorporate the element of designing your own character and giving it your own name, however after some research, I think this may require quite a high skill set. I won’t write it off completely and will continue to consider it, as it plays an important role in the ‘Art’ aspect, of the STEAM curriculum that I want the game to embrace.

These drawings are just a couple of quick ideas and I will continue to draw up some more, using my own creativity, whilst comparing it to research carried out on child development and young children, learn in the classroom.

Alien Invasion