Finalising Designs

After plenty of experimentation for the perfect logo, I have decided to settle on the one shown below. The research of doodling as a design really inspired me and I have decided to continue down that route. Therefore, in order to provide some product branding, if all my design elements consist of similar colour schemes and approaches to space, then they will become more appealing to my audience demographic.

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The final logo is quite minimalistic, however includes little doodles. I used to spend time in school turning letters in text books into different shapes etc because they were a visual aid already provided. Therefore, I thought playing on the letters and including elements of space was appropriate.


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I have decided to use primary colours throughout this project. This is because they are very easy to distinguish between, they are very familiar to my age demographic and they are usually colours already found in school art and craft tools. All the poster paints we had in school were never low on these colours, especially as mixing them would result in making another colour included anyway. I love how bright and eye-catching they are. They aren’t something that follows a colour scheme trend, or colours that might potentially make a difference in the realms of design, they also don’t particularly match. However, they are appropriate to both my subject area, and my audience demographic that i’m trying to appeal to most. I believe sticking with these colours, on a white back ground will give them the justification they deserve, as they will pop and stand out to those about to interact with the product.

Usually when one thinks about space, you have all these dark blues and purples, that represent night time etc. However, I would like to add a modern twist to the way we see space.  It might be easier to learn and interact with, if we detach it from real space itself. One can become overwhelmed by the knowledge and power than run alongside physics, and sometimes it is difficult to wrap your head around things. Therefore, if the learning aids are more visually appealing, they will enhance the experience and potentially encourage children to want to learn more.


Finalising Designs

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