packaging research

Due to wanting to progress down the route of creating an ‘instruction manual’, that ultimately creates a workshop experience. I wanted to briefly look at packaging designs, as all the pieces that you would need would be included. For example, paint, balls, sticks, glue, paintbrushes, sketch book, information to link to the webpage etc. Therefore, if each child/school had one of these boxes, it would not only potentially look great as decoration, it would be great for arts/crafts storage afterwards too.

I used to make a quick mock up of what it could potentially look like. I haven’t nearly completed the design stage and believe that will continue to progress, right the way through this semester. However, I made do with what I already had.

I decided to go with a cylinder shape, due to the obvious connotations of working with spheres, as well as looking more attractive. I believe the logo (not yet complete) would be centered, being wrapped around the box and play the main part of the design. Overall, I like how simplistic this design is, and even though this is just a prototype, it ties in nicely to my overall ideas.

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packaging research

where are u now…

I was recently at the gym and noticed a really awesome looking music video begin playing on one of the television screens. I decided to take note of the artist and take a look at it once I was home. I was not aware that it would be a Justin Bieber song, but all that aside, the animation and graphics are so querky.

During the music video, Justin Bieber is accompanied by doodles and animations going on in the fore/background. I believe this was done using a green screen and doesn’t look too difficult to re-create.

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Above are two screenshots of the video as it was playing. The animations move so quickly that it’s hard to really see what is happening. However, this style of work sparked my own imagination. Due to not actually creating a game for my final hand in piece this semester, but wanting to create one in time for the European Youth Awards, I have decided that alongside my ‘Digital Instruction Manual’ work, I will create a sort of advertisement, for the games future. This will tie in nicely with the progression of ‘Space Inventors’, as it will show how it started, however the future that it has as well.

I have managed to team up with a games computing student, that would like to help me create this game, ready for the awards deadline in June. I believe showing this to potential judges will provide insight to the originality and expressive side to this project.  After all, the entire point of creating this project, was to encourage young children to remember to use their imagination and creativity when interacting with technology. What better way to show this, than by mixing art with technology on screen.

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where are u now…

Game vs Animation vs Interactive Instruction Manual

Game: Ideally, I would love to create a fully functioning game that would encompass all of my ideas and enable young children, access to learning through logic and creativity. However, I unfortunately do not currently hold the skill set that is needed to create such a piece of media. In order to carry out this task, I would need to either contact another student, capable of creating games and working with the programming side, or learn it myself as I go. This is quite intimidating due to building the process, design and then making it function would be quite difficult and inflict a lot of pressure. However, I am going to do some more research, as this is my preferred route. Ultimately, creating something like this would allow me to enter my work into the EYA (European Youth Award) in July and potentially enlighten others on the importance of encouraging young children to use technology safely and in such a way that enables proper brain development.

Animation: I could create an Animation that shows exactly how the game would work, if I was able to build it. It would incorporate all of my design elements and I would use the camera tracking in such a way, that it almost felt immersive and interactive. This animation would also teach young children, all the STEAM elements I am trying to include. Ultimately, this would be OK, however I want to push the boundaries a little more and really encourage imaginative and interactive learning.

Instruction Manual: This is probably my second favourite idea, purely because it includes physically building your own solar system using arts and crafts. This instruction manual would work in such a way that would allow children to learn all the possible aspects of space, by carrying out a physical task relevant to it. For example, deciding how big the planets need to be on a realistic scale, in order to understand the distance and time frames between each individual one. STEAM is a working factor with this idea, due to being able to easily include many different aspects of the primary school curriculum. I believe this would work well as you would be able to access it at home, or at school. It could run as a workshop with individuals or encourage team work (social and cognitive development). The result of this exercise would encourage children to ‘share’ their work via the ‘space inventors network’ and other primary school pupils would be able to access/add to it.

Overall, each idea needs researching a little more before finalising on which i’m going to do. Each one has the ability to encourage building stronger imaginations as children, however some do it better than others and in a way that is more easily understood. More research to be carried out soon.


Game vs Animation vs Interactive Instruction Manual

Logo design take 2…

I have been playing around in photoshop with different designs for my logo. I have decided to keep the font, size and colour of the title consistent, purely based on the fact that i’m really happy with the simplicity of it. However, that doesn’t go on to mean that I want the overall design to be simple too, as long as the title is clear, easy to read and understand, then young children will be able to interact with it easily.

I decided I wanted to incorporate something ‘spacey’, due to the spark that will go off in a child’s mind, when they realise the subject area. Space is unknown to the majority of us and even though research suggests many thing, on the grand scale of things, we don’t know very much. Therefore, I want young children to get excited about the prospect of learning something that is ‘different’ and sometimes without logic.


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The first design I went with was just a little crowded, there was too much going on and I couldn’t find a simple font colour that fit with the background image. I like that it is obviously unrealistic however, due to encouraging children to create their own solar system and name planets as they wish to.


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This second design was inspired by watching way too many documentaries. It lacks originality and doesn’t exaggerate space, just earth. I really love this image though.


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This is my third design and I really like it. It isn’t my final design however. In my second year of university, I underwent a photography project, that I titled ‘make a wish’ and it was all different elements of why we make wishes and the myths surrounding them. One myth, was the shooting star. I created an image that was obvious to the theme, but not too obvious, with an intergalactic background. This photography project, sparked my inspiration for this potential design.

I will continue to develop my ideas and work on my designs as my research progresses.

Logo design take 2…

new perspective on space

12696178_10154658145733298_1784343609_nAfter carrying out more research on game building software, I discovered that using this route would potentially result in me learning a completely new skill set and ultimately not having the confidence that it would work out. I will continue to research this route, however I decided to jot down some ideas as to where this project could potentially turn. After this mind-mapping session, I was enlightened by several possibilities and although I am yet to narrow them down, I have more of a focused idea.

My initial space inventors game, would encourage young children to use their creativity, whilst being immersed in technology (basically using it safely). Now, I have come up with an idea that uses technology only as an aid, however is not fully immersive. I want to create an almost ‘instruction manual’ for building your own solar system. This will allow my target audience (of which I will need to re-research) to interact with technology, however use their own Artistic, Engineering and Scientific skills and knowledge. I was certain on incorporating the STEAM syllabus and I have managed to maintain this approach.

I did some research into the Primary School Syllabus for Y5 (KS2) and discovered that my idea can reach into several elements.

Science: (Earth and Space)

Sc5/4.1a    describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system

Sc5/4.1b    describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth

Sc5/4.1c    describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies

Sc5/4.1d    use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night, and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.


Ar2/1.1    to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas

Ar2/1.2    to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials

Ar2/1.3    about great artists, architects and designers in history.


Ma3/3.2a    draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them

Ma3/3.1a    measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)


Co2/1.6    select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

Co2/1.7    use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact

Design & Technology:

DT2/1.4a    apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures

DT2/1.4b    understand and use mechanical systems in their products

DT2/1.4c    understand and use electrical systems in their productsDT2/1.4d    apply their understanding of computing to programme, monitor and control their products.

This research has really allowed my idea to take off and i’m excited to pursue something I know I will enjoy creating, as well as enjoy encouraging young children to interact with technology safely. I have a real passion for the importance of using ones imagination and creativity and believe our ability to progress through education, relies hugely on the right side of the brain!

new perspective on space